What to expect as a
Important Dates:
Please read carefully. All dates and venues are subject to change at any time. Any changes will be announced as soon as possible.
Summer & School Practices:
In order to attend choreography all cheerleaders must have 10 hours of conditioning per AYC rules in before the choreography dates. If your child does not come to summer practices, they will not meet the requirements to attend choreography and therefore will not be placed in the competition routine.
Attendance is necessary for stunting and uniformity.
It is critical that your child attends practices in August, this is the time they learn their routines and are placed appropriately for arious stunts.
**Choreography Weekend is mandatory when joining the program. Every Cheerleader MUST attend Choreography in order to be placed in the routine. We can't have any registered Cheerleaders miss the Choreography dates!
**Choreography Weekend- D8- 8/23 and 8/24 Times TBD
D10- 8/23 and 8/24 Times TBD
D14- Week of Monday August 18th through Thursday the 21st. All 4 days are mandatory so please consider this when registering. We will begin at 3:30 each day that week. Detailed end times will be posted in the calendar.
*There will be a choreography fee for the 7/8th grade team this season. Depending on team size it will range between $35- $50 per cheerleader. We will be hosting fundraisers in order to help with this cost.
Uniform Fitting: Will take place in early June.
Summer Practice: Starts Tuesday July 29th
Pre- K- 1 Day per week (1 hour) 5:30-6:30pm
Grades K-1 - 2 days per week (1 1/2 hours) 5:30pm - 7:00pm
Grades 2-6 -3 days per week (2 hours) 5:30pm-7:30pm
Grades 7 -8 - 3 days per week (2 1/2 hours) 6:00pm - 8:30pm
Attendance will be taken and monitored.
School Practice:
Pre-K- 1 day per week (1 hour)
Grades K-1 - 2 days per week (1 1/2 hours per day)
Grades 3-6 - 3 days per week (2 hours per day)
Grades 7-8 - 3 days per week (3 hours per day)
All cheerleaders are required to roll up the mats. Please allow an extra 15 minutes after practice ends to roll up the mats.
During competition season practice may be extended or extra days added on. There are also times when a Saturday or Sunday practice may be needed to prepare.
Practice schedule to be determined based on indoor facility availability.
Location: All outdoor practices will be at GFMS. Indoor practices will be held at Patterson Rec with some indoor practices requiring use of other facilities, for choreography dates and some school practices Sept-Nov.
Always bring plenty of water.
All Cheerleaders MUST arrive at practice in a t-shirt/tank (no spaghetti straps) shorts/sweatpants and athletic sneakers. We would prefer all to wear red/blue shorts and t-shirt or tank to any Indoor practices. There will also be “practice wear” for sale. If wearing inappropriate clothing or you do not have sneakers on, they will not be allowed to practice.
All girls/boys will arrive on time. If you need a ride, please call one of your teammates.
All cell phones must be turned off during practices and games. Calls and texts can be made only during breaks and/or with coach’s permission.
Pre-K Registration- $135
Grades K-1- $195
Grades 2-8- $400
Other Costs:
Uniform: For grades K and up we will be requiring a uniform purchase this season. There will be fundraising opportunities to help offset the cost of uniform purchase. Uniforms are yours to keep.
Cheer Sneakers: Purchase on your own (for Pre-k and mascots we require any white sneaker)
Bow: $20 for competition bow
Additional Choreography fee (D14 ONLY): $35-$50 per cheerleader (Fundraising will be available)
Practice Tank (D14 ONLY): Price TBD
Conduct: Parents and Cheerleaders must sign the Code of Conduct. Cheerleaders are expected to be on their best behavior during practices and games. Parents may be asked to attend practices if needed. They must show respect to all coaches, demonstrators, teammates, cheerleaders, football players, officials and fans AT ALL TIMES. Unsportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated!
Use of tobacco, alcohol, drugs of any kind will NOT be tolerated and may result in immediate dismissal of the squad.
Games: Cheering at football games is mandatory. there may be some travel involved as well. Cheerleaders must arrive in full uniform-top, skirt, briefs, socks, bows & sneakers. ALWAYS bring your warm ups and pom-poms. Any changes will be made as a group and together.
Cheerleaders must arrive with their hair in a high & tight ponytail. Bow must be visible from the front and tails must face forward. All hair is to be pinned back (gel/pins, etc.) away from face. This includes short hair and bangs.
Cheerleaders MUST arrive on time.
Always bring a dry snack and water. Only clear liquids are allowed. Concession stand purchases will NOT be allowed due to time constraints.
No earrings. Earrings hold a safety concern due to stunting. This is for all practices and games.
Hands are to be kept folded and behind back in between chants and cheers.
Each cheerleader should carry their bag to every game. Girls/boys should pack their warm ups and a water bottle (only clear liquids). If one girl does not have their warm ups and it is cold, that girl will sit out during that game.
Pre- K- will compete in two- three local competitions
Grades K-1 - will exhibit 3 times locally
Grades 2-3 - will exhibit/compete 3 times locally with the potential to attend regionals in New Jersey.
Grades 4-8 - will go to to 3 local competitions and the regional competition in November in Trenton, New Jersey (IF THEY QUALIFY)
**The regional competition is our final competition and closes our season for our younger teams. For our D14 team their season will run until 1/17 when that will be their final competition. It is TBD if the D10 team and D8 team will be going until then as well. Please keep that in mind when registering that is a possibility. This will require an additional practice space fee which we plan on fundraising for as well.***
Taconic League Local Competition: Date, time and location TBD
Regional Competition: TBD
Participation in a regular season competition team is mandatory
Parent/Coach Communication: Parent to go directly to Team Parent after practice has ended. If Parent feels that they cannot speak to team parent they can contact coach to set up a meeting. If matter is not resolved, parent should speak to Cheer Director. No matters are to be discussed in the presence of any cheerleader or any peer.
Optional Fundraising will be done throughout the year to offset competition entry fees, indoor facility fees, clinics, choreography, etc. This includes change for cheer a one box per cheerleader Mandatory chocolate bar sale.